Saturday, November 3, 2007

Crazy Colored Hair

I think it's a shame that crazy colored hair went out of style. I can say now that as someone who has died their hair a crazy color. Truthfully, it was supposed to be a nice cerulean shade of blue. However, I am now sporting a kind of aquamarine green highlighted hairdo. I quite like it I think. It is possible that it may change to a darker blue sometime soon, but for now it is green.

Anyway, the reason I think it's a shame that crazy colors went out of style, not that I truly care, but it is quite a bonding experience. Everyone in the surrounding area wants to see how the color is turning out, they get excited, and thus people bond over the prospect of the unnatural. I suppose that it might be the same way when one gets a tattoo or a strange piercing, but I'm somewhat terrified of needles and thus will most likely never find that out. Nonetheless, it has truly been my experience that people are intrigued and attracted by the unnatural. It does not surprise me in the slightest that the Guinness Book of World Records is the most often checked out reference book, even though checking out a reference book isn't really possible. The reason that it doesn't surprise me is that people love the bizarre. Now this is not a world shaking observation, everyone knows that we as a species love the bizarre. However it does prove my point that crazy colored hair should never have gone out of style. People bond over and love the bizarre, and I for one cannot wait for the reaction that my new green hair will create.

Ice Cream Flavor of the Week: Kiwi-Lime in honor of my new do

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