Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Currently on Hampshire's campus there are multiple camps. They range from language, to math, to fat camp, and I think there might be a new arts camp. The kids roam the campus in packs and some are randomly standing outside my office for no apparent reason. I honestly can't really tell one camp from another for the main reason that almost all the kids appear to be in the 11-15 age range. Now, perhaps there are some outside of that, but for the most part I think that's what they are. So when I say that I have this sudden feeling that I'm back in middle school, I think you'll understand where I'm coming from.

What's weird about seeing middle schoolers in large groups, for me, is that internally I feel like I'm regressing to that age when I see them. I don't do that with elementary school age or high school kids. When I see them I just walk past them. But middle schoolers, they walk past and I sometimes feel my throat start to restrict or I get that uncomfortable, nervous feeling I had 24/7 in middle school. I see them and I feel like I should throw on a bucket hat, an oversized shirt, and silently mourn the fact that I don't really have anyone to sit with at the lunch table. I feel like I should rat out a friend to another friend and vice versa the next day. Except, I kind of feel like I should do it on a more mature level. Like rather than just saying, "so and so has a crush on the same person you do," I should say "so and so slept with your boyfriend." Even though I've never really been that vindictive bitch. I don't know what it is, but somehow seeing middle schoolers in packs inwardly regresses my mental processes to a twelve year old level.

Ice Cream Flavor of the Week: Chocolate Covered Granola Bar (in honor of my favorite middle school snack), Chocolate Ice Cream with pieces of Chocolate Covered Granola Bar mixed in and a Chocolate Swirl.


Kari said...

Dude the math campers are high schoolers and they're cool kids. Regress to when you were 15 and obsessed with math instead. (I know this was never the case, but you know it would have been awesome if you'd been so lucky.)

katie said...

I would so try that Chocolate granola bar ice cream.

Would you make it from a Kudos bar?